Hello, I am

Dennis Drueck

I'm a software engineer based in Naperville, Illinois. With 5 years of software development experience and 18 years in IT, I can readily excel in any environment. My diverse background spans multinational corporations like Tesla and E. & J. Gallo, as well as start-ups and freelancing.

I've created pragmatic solutions to numerous complex problems, prioritizing scalability and engineering efficiency. Currently, I'm improving data integrity in Tempus AI's DNA sequencing pipeline, streamlining complex data processing.

My commitment to continuous learning and growth empowers me to tackle increasingly challenging issues and deliver high-impact solutions.

Download My Resume


Senior Software Engineer

Tempus AI (via Egen)

4/2023 – Present

Chicago, IL

  • Lead large-scale deliveries by spearheading the scoping phase, prioritizing requirements, and defining objectives, timelines, and milestones.
  • Enhance release velocity and impact by identifying the most valuable features.
  • Foster team skill development through effective mentorship and tactful, constructive feedback, aligned with organizational core values and engineering best practices.
  • Optimize event processing between interconnected systems, eliminating costly delays and enhancing data integrity and system stability within a complex microservice architecture.
  • Provide expertise in design patterns for CI/CD and containerization, employing multi-step builds in Concourse CI to improve replication for horizontally-scaled systems, and reduce time to deploy new builds by a factor of 10.
  • Ensure compliance with application development and cloud security best practices, safeguarding patient and organization data privacy and PHI compliance.
  • Conduct root cause analysis (RCA) using various tools, including VS Code debugger, Splunk, GCP Console, AWS Console, DataGrip, and Chrome DevTools.

Full-Stack Developer


10/2021 – 4/2023

Naperville, IL

  • Delivered end-to-end solutions for web apps, encompassing full-stack development, UI/UX design, SEO, and digital media, following Agile methodologies.
  • Met product release deadlines by prioritizing key features through problem analysis and collaboration with product teams.
  • Boosted client traffic and revenue by achieving top SERP rankings and enhancing user experience through optimized page speed, accessibility, and responsiveness.
  • Accelerated feature delivery through iterative Agile sprints.
  • Built automated CI/CD pipelines in GitHub for zero-touch deployment of latest changes.

Full-Stack Developer

Martial Arts Technologies

12/2022 – 4/2023

Chicago, IL

  • Led design and implementation of solutions for workflow automation, geolocation, and image processing in collaboration with the CTO and product manager.
  • Reduced cross-platform support requests by implementing responsiveness and input validation across 50+ web pages using PHP, Blade, jQuery, and Bootstrap.
  • Improved SERP ranking and page speed through network and asset optimization strategies.
  • Automated time-consuming tasks related to logo color extraction by scraping CDNs and analyzing images with JavaScript, Node.js, color-thief and tinycolor2.

Full-Stack Developer


11/2021 – 08/2022

West Palm Beach, FL

  • Created and maintained a single-page application to facilitate blockchain transactions in collaboration with the product manager and 1 additional developer.
  • Delivered MVP in 1 week, and 2 major updates within 1 week of requirements approval.
  • Imported real-time data and performed asynchronous transactions via Ethereum's JSON RPC API using web3.js, providing error-proofing and ease-of-access.
  • Optimized cross-platform user experiences with responsive and adaptive design, lazy-loading, and asset optimization.

SaaS Interactivity Specialist


02/2019 – 10/2021

Chicago, IL

  • Owned development, deployment, support, technical client relations, and in-house training related to all SaaS widgets deployed to 200+ auto dealership websites.
  • Delivered exceptional user experiences, overhauling widget assets using JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap, focusing on unifying visual identity with host sites.
  • Reduced time-to-delivery by 50% by restructuring cross-company deployment pipelines.
  • Enhanced client-experience with proactive communication and well-prepared proposals, backed by my expertise in HTML and CSS, as well as analytics and market research.
  • Conserved 40 hours per month by automating toilsome tasks with Python and Selenium.


FastTrack Developer Program

Cook Systems

12/2022 – 02/2023

Memphis, TN

  • Studied design patterns and developed full-stack applications using Git, GitHub, Java, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, CSS, and HTML.
  • Met all deadlines and fulfilled client requirements while leading a team of 3 developers.
  • Built multiple full-stack applications through 1-week sprints in Agile teams.
  • Ensured version stability by reviewing, testing, and merging git branch pull requests.

Bachelor of Fine Arts

University of Illinois Chicago

08/2008 – 05/2012

Chicago, IL

  • Studied web design, design thinking, visual communication and perception theory.



06/2021 – 12/2022

San Francisco, CA

  • Back-End and APIs — Express.js, MongoDB, Node.js
  • Relational Databases — PostgreSQL, Bash
  • Front-End Libraries — React.js, Redux, jQuery, Bootstrap
  • JavaScript — Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Python — Scientific Computing
  • Responsive Web Design — Semantic HTML5, CSS3



Martial Arts Technologies


Astro Portfolio


Twitter Clone API


Company Management Portal


Exercise Tracker

